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Airports disrupted across Europe as civil resistance groups join 'Oil Kills'


International Uprising to end fossil fuels Airports disrupted across Europe as civil resistance groups join 'Oil Kills'



Supporters of seven civil resistance groups caused disruption at airports across Europe this morning, in support of Oil Kills - an International Uprising to end oil, gas and coal by 2030 [1] [2]

Aktivist:innen der Letzten Generation am Fughafen Wien, 24. Juli 2024.
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Aktivist:innen der Letzten Generation am Fughafen Wien, 24. Juli 2024. Foto: zVg

Datum 24. Juli 2024
Lesezeit6 min.
Flights were delayed as supporters entered airfields and sat down on taxiways, while passengers were disrupted in and on their way to airport terminals. Groups taking action this morning included Letzte Generation in Germany, Folk Mot Fossilmakta in Norway, XR Finland, Futuro Vegetal in Spain, Just Stop Oil in the UK and Drop Fossil Subsidies and Act Now - Liberate in Switzerland.

As spokesperson for the Oil Kills campaign said:
"Ordinary people are taking matters into their own hands today to do what our criminal governments have failed to do. We are putting our bodies on the wheels of the machine of the global fossil economy and saying oil kills; we refuse to die for fossil fuels and we refuse to stand by while hundreds of millions of innocent people are murdered. We are in resistance against our murderous governments and the criminal elites who are threatening the survival of humanity."

"The climate crisis will not end until every single country has phased out fossil fuels, but those who bear the greatest responsibility and have the greatest capacity must do the most. As citizens of wealthy countries based in the global north, we demand that our governments stop extracting and burning oil, gas and coal by 2030 and that they support and finance other countries to make a fast, fair and just transition. They must sign a Fossil Fuel Treaty to end the war on humanity before we lose everything."

In Germany, at 4:00 BST, supporters of Letzte Generation cut through the chain-link fence at Cologne-Bonn airport (CGN) and rode bicycles to get close to runways where they glued onto the tarmac. They held banners reading "Oil Kills". Air traffic was brought to a standstill for at least 4 hours and flights were delayed as police attended to remove them.

Lilli Gómez, a supporter of Letzte Generation (Last Generation) currently at the Cologne- Bonn Airport explains: "At airports it becomes clear: what used to be normal, we can no longer afford today. The extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal must stop because it threatens our existence. We need a turnaround, an international agreement to phase out fossil fuels in a socially just way by 2030. That means the aviation industry must also be scaled back fairly- especially private jets and domestic flights. That's why we are taking action at airports in support of Oil Kills, to bring an end to fossil fuels."

In Norway, at 4:45 BST three supporters of Folk Mot Fossilmakta (People against Fossil Power) cut through the chain-link fences and sat next to the runway to stop flights departing from Oslo Gardermoen (OSL) airport. Police were quickly on the scene and the supporters were removed. There were no arrests.

Anders, 25 and a student who took action with Folk Mot Fossilmakta (People against Fossil Power) said: "My country is actively contributing to a climate crisis that is going to kill millions of people and destroy countless other species. This goes against everything I hold dear. I am in resistance against my criminal government. If people like me can't speak out about what Norway is doing, who can? Today, I stand with "People against fossil power" and ask Norway to join other countries in creating a fossil fuel treaty that will end the use of fossil fuels by 2030.”

In Finland, at 5:00 BST, nine supporters of XR Finland peacefully blocked security control at Helsinki-Vantaa airport (HEL). They held banners reading "Oil Kills" and "Fossil Fuels are Killing Us". At 5:30am BST, after discussion with the police, the action was moved to the front of the airport and ended at 7:45am with no arrests.

Taking action today was Nono, 21 years old and a student who said:
"I am here today at Helsinki Airport to call on the Finnish government to stop using and financing fossil fuels. I cannot fail to act when our government is full of climate criminals. I refuse to stand by while our government's conscious decision to subsidise fossil fuels kills millions. We demand concrete action, we demand a legally binding agreement to phase out all fossil fuels by 2030. The wealthy Global North must support less wealthy countries in this transition."

In Spain, at 7:00 BST, five supporters of Futuro Vegetal (Vegetal Future) entered the airfield at the Barcelona airport, with the intention of glueing onto the tarmac close to the runway, but were intercepted before being able to do so. They were wearing banners with slogans "Oil Kills - Meat as well". One of them has been arrested and taken to court while the others have been fined for attempting to disrupt airport traffic. They are demanding an end to fossil fuels and a shift to plant based agri-food systems. [4]

In Switzerland, at 9:00 BST, eleven supporters of Drop Fossil Subsidies and "Act now” - Liberate Switzerland blocked roads heading to Zurich and Geneva Airports. Passengers were disrupted entering arrival and departure areas as well as multiple parking garages. Five people were arrested in Zurich.

Rita Straub, 74, a retired software analyst said:
"I am a boomer. And I am ashamed of the state of the world I am leaving to my great nieces and nephews. I cannot stand by silently while fossil fuels continue to kill thousands and governments continue to expand their use. I am committing civil disobedience to shake things up, to exert pressure. Action must be taken. Now. By everyone. Politicians, institutions, individuals."

In the UK, seven Just Stop Oil supporters were arrested on the perimeter road outside Heathrow Airport at 9:00 BST.

This morning's actions come after world temperature records were shattered on Sunday on what may be the hottest day scientists have ever recorded, according to preliminary data. Driven by the carbon emissions from burning fossils and farming livestock, the average surface air temperature hit 17.09C (62.76F) on Sunday, which is thought to be the hottest day on Earth since the start of the last Ice Age more than 100,000 years ago. [3]

This morning is just the start. Governments and fossil fuel producers are waging war on humanity. Even so-called climate leaders have continued to approve new coal, oil and gas projects pushing the world closer to global catastrophe and condemning hundreds of millions to death. We need an emergency international response to save lives. As long as political leaders fail to take swift and decisive action to protect our communities from the worst effects of climate breakdown, we will remain in resistance. Our work remains essential, morally right and ever more urgent. The link between oil, gas and coal, and human lives is now crystal clear: Oil Kills.



[1] Oil Kills is an international uprising to end fossil fuels - an unprecedented coalition of civil resistance groups from over 10 countries across Europe and North America. We are taking nonviolent collective action at airports - a key pillar of the fossil fuel economy - to demand an end to oil, gas and coal by 2030.

Our demand in full: Our governments must work together to establish a legally binding treaty to stop extracting and burning oil, gas and coal by 2030 as well as supporting and financing poorer countries to make a fast, fair, and just transition.

This can be accomplished by endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative and seeking a negotiating mandate to establish the treaty.

Safety notice: Supporters receive training in nonviolence and will undertake all possible steps to ensure that our actions do not compromise the safety of those using airports, as well as those in the air. This includes avoiding going on any active or inactive runways.

[2] The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative is a diplomatic initiative working with a global network of thousands of civil society organisations and first mover governments who are spurring international cooperation to end new development of fossil fuels, phase out existing production within the agreed climate limit of 1.5°C and develop plans to support workers, communities and countries dependent on fossil fuels to create secure and healthy livelihoods.

[3] https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/07/23/hottest-day-ever-recorded-climate-change/