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What is terrorism? And Who is terrorising whom? Part2 (24C3)





What is terrorism? And Who is terrorising whom? Part2 (24C3)

Vortrag von Anne Roth, Bloggerin und Lebensgefährtin von Andrej H., gehalten auf dem 24th Chaos Communication Congress.

Berlin. Unkommentierte Dokumentation. Aus der Vortragsankündigung:
Life as the partner of a terrorism suspect means living with police and secret service surveillance: phone tapping, video cameras pointing at your doors, plain-clothed police following your every step, e-mail and internet access being monitored etc etc.

Creative Commons Lizenz

Autor: 24C3

Radio: Datum: 28.12.2007

Länge: 28:18 min. Bitrate: 128 kbit/s

Auflösung: Stereo (44100 kHz)