
How Neoliberalism “Rescued” CapitalismCrisis Management in Times of Change

Crisis Management in Times of Change

13.12.2024 -

The end of neoliberal globalization is giving a boost to neo-fascist crisis management – especially in the former “export world champion”.mehr...
15 min.


International Uprising to end fossil fuelsAirports disrupted across Europe as civil resistance groups join 'Oil Kills'

24.07.2024 -

Supporters of seven civil resistance groups caused disruption at airports across Europe this morning, in support of Oil Kills - an International Uprising to end oil, gas and coal by 2030 [1] [2]mehr...
6 min.


Order and ProgressFortschrittsordnung

19.07.2023 -

Der anarchistische Netzwerker Dyer Daniel Lum formulierte in einem knappen Text von 1877, warum wirkliche Ordnung nur aus kontinuierlichem Wandel gegen jede Verstetigung stattfinde. Der soziale Fortschritt strebe dabei hin zur Anarchie, die sein Ziel wäre.mehr...
9 min.


Former headquarters of Silicon Valley Bank on West Tasman Drive in Santa Clara, Calif.

The collapse of the Californian IT bankSilicon Valley Bank: The Weakest Link

12.07.2023 -

The current turmoil in the financial sphere is only the latest chapter in the late capitalist systemic crisis.mehr...
15 min.


Hyperactive Central Bank CapitalismKeynesianism in Crisis

John Maynard Keynes, 1933.

07.07.2023 -

While many elements of Keynesian economic policy are used in the day-to-day crisis, post-Keynesianism is running wild as an ideology on the German left.mehr...
19 min.


Libertarians at the heart of the gatheringSt-Imier: Anarchy 2023

30.06.2023 -

About the international anti-authoritarian gathering 2023 in St-Imier and its libertarian, ableist, technophile, reactionary, citizenist, new age, and collapsologist tendencies.mehr...
60 min.


Anlia und Masha im McDonald's von Marseille.

Les Apres M - I'm fucking goinMcDonald's Marseille

26.04.2023 -

Under a blue sky the modern urban canyons of Sainte-Marthe shine in the bright white of the French banlieue. Cushioned by the roundabout Pierre Paraf, L'Après M appears.mehr...
4 min.


Adjustment of The Goals of the WarCaught in The Spiral of Escalation

12.04.2023 -

The threat of nuclear war is greater than it has been since the end of the Cold War.mehr...
7 min.


A Gigantic Investment Program and Its Spiraling DebtChina: Multiple Crises Instead of Hegemony

06.04.2023 -

Why the state-capitalist People's Republic will not be able to succeed the USA as a hegemonic power.mehr...
21 min.


National Response to the “Social Question”Radicalism vs. Extremism

Poster campaign of the AfD parliamentary group in the capital, launched on May 6, 2021.

31.03.2023 -

Some reflections on the anti-fascist transformation struggle in the manifest systemic crisis.mehr...
14 min.
Aktueller Termin

Aktueller Termin in Zürich

Offenes Druckatelier für Hoch- und Tiefdruck

Stelle selbst einen Hoch- oder Tiefdruck her. Alle Materialien sind vor Ort im Druckatelier zu beziehen für deine Originaldruckgrafik auf Papier und oder auch Stoff.

Mittwoch, 12. März 2025 - 18:00 Uhr

Rote Fabrik (Druckatelier), Seestrasse 395, 8038 Zürich


Antifascism as weapon of counterinsurgency.

Arguments against the collaboration with the enemyAntifascism as weapon of counterinsurgency

28.06.2022 -

Switzerland is a picture-perfect mountain state in the centre of Europe. It is also a major imperialist center.mehr...
15 min.


Oceania vs. Eurasia?A new quality of the crisis of late capitalism

30.05.2022 -

Even after the war in Ukraine, capitalism won't be able to establish a stable post-war order.mehr...
32 min.


Climate strike in Zurich, June 2021.

Interaction of inner and outer barrier of capitalThe Climate Crisis and the Outer Limits of Capital

02.02.2022 -

Why does capitalism fail to implement sustainable climate policies despite the escalating ecological crisis?mehr...
17 min.


Interaction of inner and outer barrier of capitalBack to stagflation?

02.02.2022 -

The end of the financialization of capitalism looks confusingly similar to the beginning. In recent weeks, a great retro fever has broken out in the business press.mehr...
15 min.


A practical, solidary cooperativeForm a transnational network!

Form a transnational network!

29.06.2020 -

During the lockdown period, Coview was a platform for many people to maintain their political activity. People from many different groups, areas (System Change, Degrowth, asylum and human rights, feminism, right to the city, rent strike, cultural work, artistic work, social work, self-help groups, …) and regions, who had not known each other before, met there and together built up structures and organized various actions.mehr...
5 min.


Every storm begins with a single raindrop…Libertarian Atheneon of Volos (Greece)

25.02.2020 -

The Libertarian Atheneon of Volos is a collective venture. Its foundation is the result of a long-term exchange of thoughts and reflections on the necessity of creating a social space in the city of Volos, a social space that will promote libertarian values and will be a pole of attraction and participation for those radically conscious.mehr...
4 min.
Aktueller Event

Aktueller Event in Freiburg im Breisgau

Isolation Berlin

Mittwoch, 12. März 2025 - 21:00 Uhr

Jazzhaus, Schnewlinstraße 1, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau


A climate and ecological emergency#Snowrebellion: Extinction Rebellion on the road to Davos

Road to WEF 2020 in Davos.

20.01.2020 -

Braving snow and cold, Extinction Rebellion's (XR) Koala Refugee Rebels Without Borders set-out on a 50km 3-day hike up Swiss Alps on the road to Davos, where the World Economic Forum (WEF) is holding its yearly meeting. Once again global elites gather to review business as usual, allegedly “committed to improving the state of the world.mehr...
3 min.


Fight against the Hitler-Goebbels-Goering-gangThree Arrows Against the Svastica in Germany, 1931/32

03.12.2019 -

Some thirty-five years ago the author, meanwhile a senior scholar, and retired, started his research work on the German intellectual and miltant socialist Carlo Mierendorff. Before the Nazis came into power in early 1933, this political figure, in collaboration with the exiled Russian physiologist and specialist of specific methods of political propaganda, Sergei Chakotin, created as new as active aggressive propaganda-techniques.mehr...
2 min.


Viktor Orbán (Bálna, Budapest, Hungary).

Class conflict and its cultural expressionThe mystery of 'populism' finally unveiled

08.03.2017 -

The philosopher of post-Fascism enters the populism fray with his own candidate for post-truth – Left betrayal. There is nothing new in consecrated terms being used in an entirely novel sense without announcing the change, and thereby misleading readers.mehr...
21 min.


Misleading index and bribery by foreign companiesCorruption in Africa

04.03.2017 -

Internationally, African countries are considered to be particularly corrupt. This reputation amounts to an immense oversimplification of a much bigger problem and partly results from questionable methods of measurement. Tax avoidance by international corporations costs African governments far more money than the corruption of politicians and civil servants.mehr...
3 min.


The 99 years old revolutionary history of Eastern EuropeInto the Dustbin of History

30.05.2016 -

The 'changes' in Eastern Europe took place on the 200th anniversary of the French revolution. It seemed to many that it might be a second coming: a new revolution about, and for, human rights. At the bicentennial, the consecrated and anointed masterpiece of popular historiography described the French – and implicitly, the recent East European – revolution thus.mehr...
12 min.


Europe should rid itself of the tax havens it shelters withinThe current system has run out of steam

CEO of Société Générale, Frédéric Oudéa (in the middle), lied at the French Senat.

11.05.2016 -

As strange and as sudden as it may be, thanks to the revelations by several international news sources concerning the magnitude of tax evasion facilitated by a Panamanian firm, elected officials and bank directors, often in collusion with each other, seem to have discovered a durable, well-organized offshore system of large-scale dubious deals.mehr...
5 min.


Why the commoning of work and labour is a political struggleA people's redefinition of the economy

01.01.2016 -

Social movements across the globe mobilize the commons as non-capitalist economies that are rooted in social relationships and that are motivated by community needs and not by markets.mehr...
11 min.


A society of oligarchsHow Mark Zuckerberg's Altruism Helps Himself

16.12.2015 -

Zuckerberg set up a limited liability company, which was a public relations coup and will help minimize his tax bill.mehr...
5 min.


Selective EmpathyPublic Response to Tragedy is Disproportionate

Paris shootings, the day after near the Bataclan.

19.11.2015 -

In light of the Paris terror attack that killed over 130, I have some observations to share regarding the social media response.mehr...
9 min.


Back to Banality.

Periphery capitalismBack to Banality

20.10.2015 -

As a former dissident and as an opposition politician and theorist around 1989, I am of course frequently asked to draw a balance sheet of the great changes in Eastern Europe.mehr...
23 min.


Competitive immigrationThe Meaning of the Refugee Crisis

25.09.2015 -

I am not qualified to write about the crisis which sends Syrians, Afghans, Iraqis, Eritreans and others to Europe. I know only what I read in the newspapers and in a few specialist books. But I have something to say about the crisis in which central and eastern Europe is plunged all of a sudden.mehr...
13 min.


Turing Expanders - Expanders for the Turing Machine Random Looping Sequencer.

Loop musicMaker's Paradise

13.07.2015 -

I'm going to build an amazing instrument. That's crazy, me an instrument maker, but it is apparently going to happen.mehr...
9 min.


Sofia Central PrisonA Visit To See Jock Palfreeman

20.11.2014 -

A visit to see Jock Palfreeman at Sofia Central Prison usually means the normal bureaucracy i.e. waiting 2-3 hours, body searches and food stuff weighed, checked and an item or two confiscated.mehr...
9 min.


20 years in a bulgarian prison for defending himselfFree Jock Palfreeman

Jock Palfreeman.

20.11.2014 -

Twenty one year old Australian Jock Palfreeman started his travels around Europe in early 2006. Having visited numerous countries and stayed in a small town an hour drive from Bulgaria's capital, Sofia, living and working with his friends, he returned tmehr...
4 min.


Political and Social Aspects of the Nationalist Populism in PolandNationalism in Poland

19.11.2014 -

In the years 2005-2007 in Poland there was a period of governmental coalition between 3 parties: conservative Law and Justice (PIS), social-conservative-agrarian Self-Defense (Samoobrona) and ultra-catholic League of Polish Families (Liga Polskich Rodzinmehr...
18 min.


The open-source movementOn Private Property of Immaterial Goods

19.02.2013 -

The following excerpt is part of the longer essay »Free Property — On Social Criticism in the Form of a Software Licence«.mehr...
12 min.